Karelics Cloud release notes

Welcome to the Karelics Cloud release notes! In this document, we will share updates and changes to Karelics Cloud that have been made in the current release. These updates include new features, improvements to existing features, and bug fixes. We encourage you to review the release notes carefully to stay informed about what’s new in Karelics Cloud and how these updates may affect your use of the platform. If you have any questions or need more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. Thank you for using Karelics Cloud!

Release 2023.21

Table of Contents

Missions management

Photo documentation

New bigger photos preview

Missions management. Photo documentation. New bigger photos preview.

It is easier to decide which photo to open.

Attachments support

Attachments support

Now users can view attachments generated on device or upload manually the 360-photo or regular photo or even any other file (plan or letter) to the corresponding photo on the map. Users can download single file or all files at the same time.

Time machine! :rocket:

Time machine!

Now when one photo is opened – we show related photos from the same location or done in radius of 1 meter. It became easier to monitor the progress of construction or to find when some crack has appeared for the first time.

Showing the photo direction on the map

On the photo you can see now the direction the photo was made in relation to the map. Please look at the blue indicator on the top right corner of the video (mini-map).

Usability improvements

Eraser for maps

Usability improvements Eraser for maps

Often requested feature – to clear some points from the map. When during mapping on the map appeared to be some temporary obstacles that should not affect the navigation in common case, it is now possible to clear such points.

Usability improvements Eraser for maps

Select the points on the map. Choose if you want to clear only occupied area or you want to clear the Unknown area or both. Click at Erase points. You can repeat the action as many times as needed before saving the map.

The updated map will be synced to all devices from that project automatically so that they will be able to use the map for navigation.

Login with Google SSO!

Login with Google SSO!

Now it is possible to login with Google to Karelics Cloud! To switch to login with google – just click on the button and your account will be associated with your google account by the email. After that you will be able to login with google every time.

Charging status indication

Charging status indication

We have accidentally removed indication of charging process in past releases. Was very uncomfortable, we know… Now it is back – showing in blue and blinking when battery is charging.

New button to zoom to map

Now it is easy to fit the complete map on the screen with one button click.

Message on empty map

Message on empty map

Now when opening map that doesn’t yet have any layout while it had never been mapped we show a corresponding message to a user.

New back button in sidebar

New back button in sidebar

We made the back button more intuitive. Now it shows where will you navigate clicking on it.

Other improvements

Stability and performance improvements

  • Improved performance and stability for binaries file storage
  • Stability improvements in device-cloud communication

Other improvements

  • Usability optimisations for mobile devices on login screen and for first user registration process
  • Added button to return to login screen when there was an error during authentication
  • Security improvements

Pipe Inspection request

Photo Documentation