Karelics Cloud release notes

Welcome to the Karelics Cloud release notes! In this document, we will share updates and changes to Karelics Cloud that have been made in the current release. These updates include new features, improvements to existing features, and bug fixes. We encourage you to review the release notes carefully to stay informed about what’s new in Karelics Cloud and how these updates may affect your use of the platform. If you have any questions or need more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. Thank you for using Karelics Cloud!

Release 2.4

Karelics Cloud is a solution for all parties involved in construction projects with robotics

Table of Contents

Task Errors

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.
In cases when task execution was aborted by the system with error, we show the error message on the screen. This message is shown only for current robot. Example: robot was stuck due to an obstacle and stopped navigation.

Added speed indication, distance indication, and localisation/mapping mode icon

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.

Now we show the current speed of the robot, the distance it has travelled since the last start.

Elevators support (configuration)

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.
Added possibility to add OTIS elevators in project configuration. At the moment this is only connector to OTIS API. Linking to maps is not yet implemented.

Improved robot UI consistency

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.
When robot is in another from selected map the button Set position is not shown any more. It makes it more consistent and prevents from mistakes.

Removed logout countdown

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.
Now you are logged out instantly.

New Sidebar for virtual locations

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.

Sync of Locations, Tags, Gateways

When you open the same map and device on different iPads or browser tabs – all changes to virtual locations, tags and gateways will be synced between them automatically. No page refresh needed.

More clear roles of users in company

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.

Added role “User” to company users. It is default role.

Add possibility to move the point

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.

Back button in operator UI leads to list of devices

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.
Back button now leads to list of devices, not list of projects, acting as normal back button.

Now “brave mode” of your device is clearly visible in UI

In the “brave mode” device moves faster. It is switching to the brave mode automatically when there are no obstacles on the way and around the way.

Improved the smooth movement of robot

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.
The path is shown now connected to a robot. The latency to reality is reduced to max 2s. Fixed problem when working with inactive tab. Robot moves on the map way smoother and more reliable.

Shown proper message when error occurs while linking device to project

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.

Improved sidebar for managing Tags (markers)

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.

Adding device to project

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.
When adding device to project- we now show only devices of my company.

Simplified the Device registration behaviour

Necessary fields are generated automatically (device ID, IP, mask).

Pipe Inspection request

Photo Documentation