Karelics Cloud release notes

Welcome to the Karelics Cloud release notes! In this document, we will share updates and changes to Karelics Cloud that have been made in the current release. These updates include new features, improvements to existing features, and bug fixes. We encourage you to review the release notes carefully to stay informed about what’s new in Karelics Cloud and how these updates may affect your use of the platform. If you have any questions or need more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. Thank you for using Karelics Cloud!

Release 3.0

Table of Contents

New re-thought operator UI

Having more than one device in the same project led us to completely rethinking of our operator UI.

Go to any map right away

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.
We have added the possibility to open the map even when there are no devices on it. It is possible to configure a project even before it begins. You can add the map directly after selecting the project. No need to be with the robot on site.

New UI to create virtual locations

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.

Map rendering performance

We have reworked the maps engine to boost the load performance even in slower internet.

Added suggestion to save the map when switching from mapping to localisation mode

If the map you built has issues you can easily discard changes. And you will no longer loose your well done map when switching to localisation.

New device cards design and showing offline devices

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.

Sometimes our users were confused when had not seen the device in the project but it was just offline. Now we have added a possibility to see the offline devices alongside with online devices.

On the card we show:

  • when device is offline or has low battery
  • current task or idle
  • current map
  • battery status

When you click on a device we will open the map where the device currently is and will center on a device.

Possibility to rename the map

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.

Save the device location as a navigation point

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.
In the past it required many click – now it is way more simple.

Multi-device support. Beta

If you have more than one device working together in one project – you will see them on the same map, will be able to switch between them.

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.

We show the list of devices on current map and list of devices on other maps. It is now way easier to switch between them. If device is on another map – switching to it will switch the map too and will zoom to it to save you some clicks.

We show the new device cards layout and it is now clear which device is busy and which is available or having some troubles.

Offline devices are shown too.

All information you see in the operator UI is updated in realtime, no page reload needed.

New UI to create virtual walls

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.
Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.

Possibility to select any of overlapping virtual areas/walls/points

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.
We have added the possibility to go to any point even when there is a virtual area above it. You can have multiple areas under your cursor – we will suggest you to select the one you need.

Showing more projects in a raw on iPad

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.
Added 1 more project in each raw. Now it is easier to find needed project.

Now “brave mode” of your device is clearly visible in UI

In the “brave mode” device moves faster. It is switching to the brave mode automatically when there are no obstacles on the way and around the way.

New projects list layout

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.

We have added the full address of a project and the period of it to the card.

We have split it in areas:

  • Recently worked on – showing your last selected project
  • Projects today – showing the projects that are running today
  • Upcoming projects – showing the projects that have not been started yet, but are already available for a pre-configuration

New notifications area

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.
We have added the new notifications area showing recent notifications from all devices working on a project. When clicking on it the corresponding device will be selected. When severity of notification is high we highlight the bell icon.

Project data sync. Beta

You have a device that is going from project to project and each time you need to reconfigure it again and again? Now we do it for you. When you change a project of a device we will remove all “knowledge” it collected from the past project and will sync in it all you have created in another project. And we will keep it always up to date with all relevant data collected by operators or other robots.

Currently we sync:

  • Maps and graph map links for multi-floor navigation
  • Navigation shortcuts
  • Navigation points
  • April tags
  • Virtual walls
  • Virtual areas

When a device was planned in a project but has not been yet assigned to it.

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.
When device is being assigned to a project it removes all knowledge about past project and starts synchronisation of data from new project.

User invitation improvements

User invitation emails

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.
Now users are getting the invitation emails with a button to set the password and begin working. And we simplified the process of user initial registration.
Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.

Redesigned login, forgot password screens

Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.
Now it shows the links to our most recent release notes and styled as part of Karelics software.
Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.
Karelics Cloud, robot fleet management app UI.
All screens support multiple languages.

Pipe Inspection request

Photo Documentation